Free Download Ringtone Caller Name

My Name Ringtone Caller Free is to create my name ringtone, when someone calling you this ringtone maker will announce the Caller Name. This Free My Name Ringtone Caller is very useful app and you don't need to check the phone, unlock phone and see who is calling. This App will Change the Ringtone with Caller Name & you can listen the Name of the Caller. No need to download a ringtone for different callers with there names so you can identify. Just use android free app to create my name ringtone. Amazing and awesome my name ringtone maker. This app will convert each caller name ringtone.
When someone calls you and you have installed this ringtone maker app then this app will pick the name of the caller from your contact list and convert into ringtone.

My Name Ringtone Download


Caller Name Announcer uses the built-in Android text-to-speech engine to speaks the incoming caller name or SMS sender name and contents of the SMS or messages. Caller Name Ringtone will not work if your smart phone does not have text-to-speech library but this is not a problem you can easily download it from Google play store.

Change your Mobile Ringtone with Caller Name
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Easy to use and free ringtone maker for everyone
Convert caller contact names in to ringtone
Free Caller Name Announcer
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Caller Name Speaker will announce incoming caller ID and SMS sender name, and notify you who is calling. Caller Name Announcer speaks the name of caller and speaks the incoming SMS with name and also speaks the SMS content. You don't have to check your phone to know who is calling you; you will be able to listen the name of the caller or SMS sender by using this incoming call name announcer.

There is no need to look at your mobile screen to see who is calling you while driving. Or who send you Messages while you're sitting away from your mobile? This is amazing application for speaks everything while some one is calling you or send you a message, In silent mode caller name announcer will not announce anything.

Incoming Caller Name Announcer uses the built-in Android text-to-speech engine to speak the 'incoming' caller name or SMS sender name and contents of the SMS.

Now not only it is Caller Name Speaker but also Works as Flash on Call and SMS. Now you won't be lost in dark because we also have enhanced our App with Super Bright Flash light Torch too. With help of torch you won't be lost in dark places.

Caller Name talker provides powerful functions but it is highly customizable to meet all your requirements. All advanced features below are all free for you.

****** Caller Name Announcer Main Features*****

1. Caller Name if exist in contacts.

2. If does not exist in contacts, call that unknown

3. Speaks incoming SMS contents and sender name

4- Call Flash Light Alert.


*************Features **************

1-Highly Customize your Caller Name Announcer.

2-Enable/disable speaking caller name.

3-Enable/disable incoming SMS sender name only.

4-Enable/disable incoming SMS sender name and contents of the SMS.

5-Enable or Disable SMS Reading

6-Change repeat mode announcements.

7-Choosing delay time between announcements

8-Turn off Announce while silent option is available.

9-Custom Ringtones settings.

10-Custom Volume Settings.

Free Download Ringtone Caller Name

11-Caller Name Announcer is completely free download.

Call Name speaker announce caller name, incoming SMS sender name and contents of the SMS in multiple languages.

Languages Support:

System Language

English (US)

English (UK)



Free Download Ringtone Caller Name Lookup










I wish Incoming Caller Name Announcer will make your life better and more convenient.

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