Steam Game Keeps Trying To Re Download Game

  1. Mar 13, 2017 - No one wants to have to re-download several hundred GBs of data. For all of your games, this is what keeps track of which games you have.
  2. Yesterday my game started to Patch to 1.06 on Steam automaticly. After the update was complete, it startet to run the update again. The game keeps updating on Steam over and over and over again. The 690mb or something.On the download info page on Steam it says its downloaded 0 bytes of 0 bytes and lists the status as 'checking' (my.

It's not something non-masochists run into. I'll spend hours trying to fix crap like that because it'd take weeks for me to re-download shit! Another example of something Steam could handle better: When Steam released the Arkham City GOTY and upgraded everyone who already had the base game. I would have had to re-download the entire game.

I uninstalled and re-installed steam. I didn't uninstall my games, and they still exist on my hard drive (I checked).

I have an SSD and a HDD, and to save space I install programs (including steam) to C:Program Files (x86)Steam drive (SSD) and games to D:GamesSteamApps (HDD). How to I let steam know the programs are installed there?


Steam Game Keeps Trying To Re Download Game Windows 10

4 Answers

There is now an official support article at covering some other solutions as well.

Go to Steam > Settings > Downloads tab > Steam library folders. Add the D:Games folder there and restart Steam. Steam should then be able to find the installed games again.


Yes, just click install and this will happen:

After this it either installs the files or just does nothing. I had the same problem but I think it got patched by Valve a while ago


I know this is an old question with old answers, but I came across it when I made the mistake of backing up only my .SteamAppsCommon folder, and not the app manifests that accompanied them before uninstalling, deleting and reinstalling Steam.

None of the easy methods worked for me, and faced with the task of manually clicking through the install dialogue and waiting for it to discover existing files 1000 times over, I wrote a PowerShell script to do it for me.

It saved me a lot of time and effort, so I thought I'd share for anyone else who lands here.


Steam Game Keeps Trying To Re Download Games

I can confirm the possible ways for you because I have done it many times.

Method 1: Moving games to a new hard drive (like SSD)

The root folder can be anywhere, but the games must be in the subdirectory named 'steamappscommon' from the root folder. If you want the games to reside in D:Games then you should create the folder structure: D:Gamessteamappscommon

The resulting game folders will look like this:

Steam Game Keeps Trying To Re Download Game Free

D:GamessteamappscommonArma 2
D:GamessteamappscommonArma 2 Operation Arrowhead
D:GamessteamappscommonMountblade Warband
D:GamessteamappscommonAssassin's Creed IV Black Flag

Once the games are in place, in the Steam client open the Steam menu (top left corner) and select Settings. Open the 'Downloads' section and at the very top, the first setting is named Content Libraries with a button Steam Library Folders. Click the button to open Steam Library Folders. Click the 'Add Library Folder' button to add a new library then select the folder D:Games. The library list should now show 'D:Games' as a Steam Library.

Exit Steam and then run it again. As soon as it opens, all the games that it finds in the library folder will be shown in White color as if they were already installed.

Method 2: Copying steam games from an old computer to a new computerOn the new computer, open Steam and either install one small game, or create the subdirectory yourself - it should be C:Program Files(x86)Steamsteamappscommon

Exit Steam, then copy the games from the old computer's steam library usually from C:Program Files(x86)Steamsteamappscommon into the same folder on the new computer.

Run Steam, and all the game names listed in your library will be in White color as if they were installed. When you run the games, Steam will run the DirectX prerequisite installs if neeeded just like it had done on the old computer.

Method 3: Copying a single game from one PC to the otherSteam can be left running. On the new computer, open Steam and either install one small game, or create the subdirectory yourself - it should be C:Program Files(x86)Steamsteamappscommon

Copy the game from the old PC onto the new one and place it in the same folder as before - usually C:Program Files(x86)SteamsteamappscommonArma 2 Operation Arrowhead

Steam game keeps trying to re download game pc

The game will still be listed in gray (not installed) in Steam. Click Install Game. Steam will displayed the message 'Discovering existing files for xxx' and after a few seconds it will show the Play Game window.

Michael UrvanMichael Urvan

protected by FrankMar 21 '15 at 3:45

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About Steam Disk Write/Read Error

Usually, when installing or updating a popular Steam game, such as Dota 2, Fallout 4, Tree of Savior and Team Fortress, you may encounter an error that suggests a Steam disk write error or perhaps disk read error. You can refer to the error details and related screenshots.

An error occurred while updating [game title]
An error occurred while installing [game title]

As you can tell, the extra information in the parenthesis behind the detailed error message is disk related. So, what disk problems would bring about such failure in daily game update and installation?

In conclusion, the disk write or read error comes, to a large extent, from some bad sectors on your hard drive, or your hard drive is failing and the disk is write protected in aspects of scratches, corruption, virus and specific permissions. Thus, to have Steam disk problems solved, you need to take prompt actions to repair the hard drive in question.

How to Fix Steam Disk Write/Read Error in Windows 10/8/7

In addition to the basic troubleshooting for Steam disk errors provided by Steam Support, including restart computer, clear download cache, reinstall Steam or move the Steam installation to other location, we come up with four advanced solutions that proved to be more potent in removing Steam disk write or read error thoroughly.

Fix 1: Verify integrity for Steam game files

Try to verify integrity for Steam games files at first if you see games keeps crashing or their models missing unknowingly.

Step 1: Reboot system and then launch Steam.

Step 2: Select 'LIBRASY' tab and right click the game that sends disk errors and select 'Properties'.

Step 3: Click 'LOCAL FILES' tab, and then you can see 'VERIFY INTEGRITY OF GAME FILES…' button. Click it.

Step 4: Steam starts verifying game files, which may take a couple of minutes. Please note that some files may fail to verify, which is normal for most Stem games. That's because these files are local configuration files and they cannot be disturbed as part of this action.

Steam Game Keeps Trying To Re Download Game Pc

Step 5: When all files are validated successfully, you can retry installing updates and see whether the disk error is removed.

Fix 2: Remove disk write protection

When a disk is write-protected, you're prevented from modifying it, such as formatting, writing data, installing programs on it. That's the other possible reason why you receive disk errors on Steam. Simply use the diskpart command to clear write protection and remove the error.

Step 1: Open administrative 'Command Prompt'.

Step 2: Type these commands one by one and press Enter key after each:


list disk

select disk # (# is the number of the hard drive with which you're getting disk error)

attributes disk clear readonly

Step 3: You may now close Command Prompt and replug the hard drive and check if the Steam disk error disappeared.

Fix 3: Check and repair bad sectors

Starting from this approach, you'll need additional help from a third-party free partition manager tool, which is EaseUS Partition Master. First of all, the check partition feature within is extremely easy-to-use in checking and repairing hard drive partition errors and bad sectors.

Step 1: Open EaseUS Partition Master on your computer. Then locate the disk, right-click the partition you want to check, and choose 'Check File System'.

Step 2: In the Check File System window, keep the 'Try to fix errors if found' option selected and click 'Start'.

Step 3: The software will begin checking your partition file system on your disk. When it has completed, click 'Finish'.

Fix 4: Replace failing hard drive

We feel bad if the hard drive has developed serious problems and it's time to upgrade the hard disk to a new one. It's a permanent solution for either disk read error or disk write error for good. To replace a failing hard drive to a new one, use EaseUS Partition Master's clone disk function.

Step 1: Select the source disk.

Open EaseUS Partition Master. Right-click the disk that you want to copy or clone. Then, select 'Clone'.

Step 2: Select the target disk.

Choose the wanted HDD/SSD as your destination.

Step 3: View the disk layout and edit the target disk partition size.


You can select 'Autofit the disk', 'Clone as the source' and 'Edit disk layout' to customize your disk layout.

Then click 'OK' to continue. (The data on the target disk will be wiped, back up the data in advance.)

Step 4: Execute the operation.

Click the 'Execute the operation' option and click 'Apply' to start the disk cloning process.